BRB Venture Capital Invests R$ 4.25 Million in Gado Certo

BRB Venture Capital, the investment fund launched in 2023 by BRB in collaboration with KPTL and Bossa Invest, has committed R$ 4.25 million to Gado Certo, a marketplace based in Mato Grosso. This investment marks the fund’s second major contribution, aimed at accelerating Gado Certo’s business development and market expansion.

Established in 2019, Gado Certo connects cattle sellers and buyers within Mato Grosso, boasting a network of over 3,000 registered ranchers. By professionalizing the cattle trade, Gado Certo has created mechanisms that offer producers increased market opportunities with greater ease and security. In 2023, the platform facilitated transactions for more than 40,000 cattle, a volume that has been doubling annually.

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The company has also developed a proprietary Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system that centralizes user data from the platform, enabling customized services. These services include advanced cattle purchase predictions and personalized lot recommendations based on individual user histories.

“Our goal is to revolutionize cattle trading in Brazil through technology, offering ranchers a more efficient, simple, and secure way to do business. We also plan to expand our sales team and further integrate technology to assist ranchers in closing deals,” said Eduardo Farah, CEO and co-founder of Gado Certo.

Gustavo Junqueira, Partner and COO at KPTL, noted that Gado Certo fulfills several crucial criteria for scaling the business regionally and eventually nationwide.

BRB Venture Capital, with an initial capital of R$ 50 million, aims to support early-stage startups across various sectors. The fund focuses on nurturing startups through education, training, and process integration, and reinvesting in those with strong market traction. Prior to this, BRB had been active in the technology ecosystem, establishing BRB LAB in 2021 within Brasília’s Biotic Technology Park to drive local entrepreneurship and innovation.


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