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A home for all innovation ecosystem


Young companies with tech-enabled solutions (e.g. digital, bio, and/or hardware) and scalable business models that are solving problems anywhere along the agri-food industry’s value chain.

Risk Capital​

All providers of risk capital that are financing innovation in this space: incubators, accelerators, angel investors, venture capital firms, corporate investors, private equity firms, lenders and others.

Corporates & SMEs

Established companies of all sizes working anywhere along the agri-food industry’s value chain, including farmers and growers, processors, traders, food companies, distributors, retailers, restaurants and more.  


Institutions that are involved in higher education and research, including: universities, colleges, research institutes, think tanks, academic societies or associations, research archives and journals.


Local, regional and national government agencies working closely with innovation or the agri-food industry, or both. It can also include international organizations governed or comprised by states.

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