Corteva – Innovative research to understand long term breeding effects on corn hybrids

Startup Opportunity

Deadline: 30/09/2024


We are looking for proposals that describe novel ideas and concepts to be investigated using ERA hybrids. These proposals should present a plan to answer new questions about indirect breeding effects and their implications. We are open to partnering with scientists and institutions with expertise in plant breeding, agronomy, ecology, crop physiology, plant biology, climate change, molecular biology, food science, or any related discipline. We are especially interested in expanding beyond ideas previously tested.

Solutions of interest include:
  • Unexplored physiological traits
  • Novel phenotyping tools
  • Sustainability implications
  • Management effects
  • Environmental response
  • Climate change adaptations

Who can apply?

Our must-have requirements are:
  • Novelty in the approach and/or in the questions to be answered.
  • Proposals must include a description of objectives and hypotheses, a clear research plan and timeline, any needed trials to reach these objectives, and available resources
Our nice-to-have’s are:
  • A clear description of the study’s relevance to the maize hybrid seed business

Acceptable technology readiness levels (TRL)

  • Levels 1-6

Awards or Benefits

  • Sponsored Research
    Funding up to $75,000, inclusive of all indirect costs. Opportunities for extended collaboration and additional funding if successful.
  • Data
    Corteva in-kind resources as applicable and necessary for project success.
  • Compounds and Reagents
    Seed from the Pioneer/Corteva hybrids released to the market since 1934 to present (58 Corteva/Pioneer ERA hybrids plus Reid Yellow Dent from 1920) will be available for the proposal winners to conduct any necessary experiments (if needed).
  • Expertise
    Corteva in-kind resources as applicable and necessary for project success.

Main Organizers or Sponsors
