Spain-LatAm Scale-Up Program

Oportunidad de crear una empresa

Fecha límite: 15/06/2024


SPAIN-LATAM SCALE-UP is an initiative of ICEX-Invest in Spain, BID LAB and Endeavor to attract Latin American start-ups and scale-ups that aim to expand and establish themselves in Spain, as a gateway to the European market.

¿Quién puede solicitarlo?

We are looking for startups that…

  1. Originate from Latin America – Startups created in the 26 countries of Latin America and the Caribbean that are members of the IDB, with legal/fiscal headquarters in this region and that carry out their main activity there. The geographical diversity of the participating companies will be valued.
  2. Focus on sustainability and impact – Incorporate sustainability and impact criteria in its operations, measured through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  3. Direct or indirect investments by IDB Lab – Alternatively, companies of interest within BID Lab’s network of contacts may be considered.
  4. Interested in Spain as an investment destination – Implementation and value creation plan in Spain as a gateway to the European market.

Premios o beneficios

A selected group of Latin American startups will participate in a week-long immersion programme in the Spanish entrepreneurial ecosystem. For five days they will be able to meet first-hand the main players: institutions, venture capital funds, corporations, accelerators and the experience of other startups operating global technology businesses from Spain. Startups will receive key information about the business climate in Spain and will be able to discuss with experts the legal, operational and technological aspects necessary to approach the establishment in Spain as a bridge to a global expansion of their business.

Principales organizadores o patrocinadores

ICEX-Invest in Spain, BID LAB, Endeavor